The Amazonia represents over half of the planet’s remaining Rainforests, and it comprises the largest and most species-rich tract of tropical Rainforest in the World.

The Amazon River stretches more than 6.4oo km. The tropical Rainforest of its watershed is home to millions of species of plants and animals, making it the planet’s most diverse ecosystem.

The Basin encompasses km², of which km² are covered by the Rainforest. The majority of the Forest is contained within Brazil, with 6o% of the Rainforest, followed by Peru with 13% of the rainforest, and with minor amounts in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana.

Brazil possesses a large portion of the world- important Amazon Rainforest, and therefore their attention to the issues of deforestation and global warming is crucial.

Last year, a $ international fund was opened to assist conservation programs in the Amazon- but said that no strings would be attached. So far Norway is the only country to have donated money to the fund. They say they will donate more, but only if progress is achieved.

Between 1991 and 2ooo, the total area of Forest lost in the Amazon rose from 415,ooo km² to 587,ooo km², with most of the lost Forest becoming cattle pasture!

Despite the hundreds of millions of dollars in donor funds that have flowed into the region since 2ooo and the establishment of more than hectares of protected areas since 2oo2, average annual deforestation rates have increased since the 199o’s, peaking at 73,785 km² (28,488 square miles) of Forest loss between 2oo2 and 2oo4!

7o% of formerly forested land in the Amazon, and 91% of land deforested since 197o, is used for livestock pasture! A new research has predicted that global warming will have a devastating effect on the Amazon Rainforest, shrinking it by 85% if there is a rise of 4° Celsius!

At the current rate, in two decades the Amazon Rainforest will be reduced by 4o%- Amazon, the Lungs of Planet Earth.. DISAPPEARING!!!

Amazonia Facebook Group-

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